Prachanda, Shrestha Clash Over Gold Smuggling Probe

Published 2023 Aug 04 Friday

Kathmandu: An intense argument has erupted between Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda and Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha concerning the seizure of approximately 100 kg of smuggled gold from the Tribhuvan International Airport on July 3.

The dispute revolves around whether the police should be involved in investigating the gold smuggling case. During a discussion held on Thursday, Prime Minister Prachanda, Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Purna Bahadur Khadka, Home Minister Shrestha, Police Chief Vasant Bahadur Kunwar, Revenue Investigation Department Chief Navraj Dhungana, and CIB Chief Kiran Bajracharya engaged in a heated exchange of questions and answers.

Earlier, Home Minister Shrestha had discussed the matter with the head of security, but when Prime Minister Prachanda expressed dissatisfaction, accusing him of exerting pressure, tensions escalated between the two. Home Minister Shrestha had also discussed the matter with the Police Inspector General and three Assistant Inspector Generals on the previous day.

The disagreement emerged when Prime Minister Prachanda refused to involve the police in the investigation, asserting that the Revenue Investigation Department should handle it. In contrast, Home Minister Shrestha argued that police involvement was necessary to probe organized crime and ensure effective government action.

"The Home Minister believed that the revenue work should continue, but the police should be involved in investigating organized crime. However, the Prime Minister disagreed," said a participant in the discussion.

On Thursday evening, Home Minister Shrestha, accompanied by Police Chief Kunwar and CIB Chief Bajracharya, arrived at the Prime Minister's residence with the intention of pressuring him. However, after the Prime Minister turned down the proposal to hand over the investigation of the gold case to the police, Home Minister Shrestha left without returning to his ministry, as per the source.
The opposition party, CPN-UML, is also demanding a high-level investigation committee in the case of the 100 kg of smuggled gold. However, Prime Minister Prachanda believes that the department itself is competent enough to handle the investigation, and therefore, a high-level committee is unnecessary. The situation has led to UML's obstruction of the House in pursuit of their demand for a high-level investigation.

The dispute over the handling of the gold smuggling case has led to political tension and differing opinions on the most appropriate approach to conduct a thorough and fair investigation.
